MOCA Gala 2023 by Edgar Fabián Frías

Edgar Fabián Frías and Thaddeus Pedisich attended the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles (MOCA LA)’s Gala, which was a beautiful celebration of art and culture as well as Detroit-based techno DJ and producer Carl Craig’s immersive environment, Party/After-Party, 2020. It was an inspiring evening filled with amazing performances, dancing, and thought-provoking conversations between friends and colleagues.

Saturday, April 15, 2023
The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA Los Angeles

Ten Journal Prompts To Help You Get Unstuck, Figure Out Your Values, And Set Intention by Edgar Fabián Frías

I was recently interviewed by the incredible author Laura Pitcher on How To Prepare A Spiritual Bath With Intention for Nylon Magazine. It is also inspired by Tiktok’s #SpiritualBath trend and features myself, Porsche Little, and Semra Haksever of Mama Moon Candles.

Nylon Beauty Bath Candles Flowers Manifest Your Intentions With Tiktok's #Spiritualbath Trend Spiritual Practitioners Explain How to Prepare a bath with intention


In this article, I mention how one of the most important things in getting ready to draw a spiritual bath is to begin by setting an intention. This can sometimes be really clear and easy to do, but there are other times that you may feel confused about your intention or you may have a hard time figuring out what’s important at the moment.

From the article:

“The most important part of the process is being certain about what you intent to draw in. “It's important to get clear on what your intentions are first before doing anything,” says Edgar Fabián Frías, an indigenous Mexican artist and brujx who launched Our Sacred Web. This can be nearly any thing Frías explains: “Are you trying to draw a bath to relax? To manifest a new career? To inspire self-love, To draw in magic?” If you don’t know where to begin, they recommend journaling to uncover what it is you are hoping to achieve through the bath, before moving on to the next steps.”

Journaling can be a powerful practice to help you get grounded, and centered, and to help you tap into your intuition, your ancestors, guides, and your higher self. With this in mind, I thought I would share some journaling prompts that can help you get into the flow.

Journaling Prompts to Help You Get Unstuck

To start, I wanted to share some creative writing prompts that can help you get into the flow or writing and explore your imagination and creativity. Feel free to adapt these as you see fit and use them as a way to get into the flow before you start to ask more pointed questions about your intentions.

  1. Imagine yourself as a character in a book. What kind of story would you be in? What challenges would you face, and how would you overcome them?

  2. Choose a random object in your environment and write a story about it. Where did it come from? Who owned it before you? What adventures has it been on?

  3. Write a letter to your younger self. What advice or encouragement would you give? What lessons have you learned that you wish you knew back then?

  4. Create a bucket list of things you want to do before you die. What experiences do you want to have, places do you want to visit, and people do you want to meet?

  5. Write a stream-of-consciousness narrative about your day. What did you do, see, and think about? What stood out to you?

  6. Make a list of your favorite quotes or passages from books, movies, or songs. What do they mean to you, and why do they resonate with you?

  7. Imagine yourself in a different era or time period. What would your life be like? How would your experiences and perspectives be different?

  8. Write a story that begins with the line, "Once upon a time, in a far-off land..."

  9. Choose a color and write about what it represents to you. What emotions, memories, or associations do you have with that color?

  10. Write about a place that inspires you. What do you see, hear, and feel when you're there? What memories or experiences does it bring up for you?

Journaling Prompts To Help Get Clear On Your Priorities & Values

  1. Write a letter to yourself five years from now. What do you hope to have accomplished by then? What do you want your life to look like?

  2. Choose a moment in your life that was particularly meaningful or transformative. Write about why that moment was important to you, and what lessons you learned from it.

  3. Make a list of your values and beliefs. What are the things that matter most to you? Why are they important?

  4. Write about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. What factors did you consider, and how did you ultimately make your choice?

  5. Imagine that you are at the end of your life, looking back on your journey. Write about what you would want to have accomplished, and what kind of legacy you would want to leave behind.

  6. Think about your ideal day. Write about what you would do, who you would be with, and what kind of experiences you would have.

  7. Write about a person who has been a positive influence in your life. What qualities do they possess that you admire? How have they impacted your life?

  8. Make a list of your goals and aspirations. What steps can you take to achieve them, and how will they help you live a more fulfilling life?

  9. Write about what you want your intention to be for a specific situation or event. What feelings or outcomes do you hope to cultivate, and what actions can you take to manifest them?

  10. Imagine that you have just won the lottery. Write about what you would do with the money, and why those things are important to you.

Journal Prompts To Help You Get Clear On Your Intention

  1. What is the purpose of this intention? Why is it important to me?

  2. What am I hoping to achieve or manifest through this intention?

  3. How will this intention align with my values and beliefs?

  4. What emotions or feelings do I want to experience as a result of this intention?

  5. What specific steps can I take to work towards this intention?

  6. How will this intention impact my life in a positive way?

  7. What are my fears or doubts about setting this intention, and how can I overcome them?

  8. How can I hold myself accountable for working towards this intention?

  9. What support or resources do I need to achieve this intention?

  10. How will I know when I have successfully fulfilled this intention?

Reflecting on these creative writing prompts has helped me realize the importance of clearly articulating your intention. To achieve this, I recommend boiling it down to just one sentence or a few words that capture the essence of what you want to manifest. Using an affirmation-style statement can also add power and possibility to your intention. Rather than stating “my intention is to become a successful artist”, I can declare “I am a successful artist” and repeat it out loud as a daily affirmation. By being clear and concise with my intention, I can focus my energy and attention on bringing it into reality.

Sarah Zucker names me as an "up-and-coming NFT Artist to watch" on Cointelegraph! by Edgar Fabián Frías

Truly grateful for this lovely shoutout from the iconic light witch herself, Sarah Zucker, in this beautifully written article about her and her multidimensional practices in @cointelegraph by Greg Oakford!

She names me as an “up-and-coming Artist to watch” along with the incredible David Henry Nobody 🥳🙌🏼💖 Read the full article here.

And check out Sarah’s newest art series Temporale here!

Rest in peace and in power Rachel Pollack 💖 by Edgar Fabián Frías

TransSisters The Journal of Transsexual Feminism Rachel Pollack Yellow Magazine Cover

Rachel Pollack passed away on April 7, 2023. She was a trans activist, tarot reader, comic book and science fiction creator, and much much more.

Check out my post on Instagram about Rachel’s passing where I share how I was asked almost exactly a year before her passing to create a written contribution to respond to her tarot deck The Shining Tribe Tarot, which is one of the 99 objects included in the forthcoming book Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects edited by Chris E. Vargas, David Evans Frantz, Christina Linden and a part of the Museum of Trans Hirstory and Art.

Queer Magic - A Spell For Community! Open Call for LGBTQ+ artists living/working in New Mexico by Edgar Fabián Frías

Happy Spring Equinox! We are so pleased to launch Edgar Fabian Frias's gif spell A Spell for Community, 2023 on CCA's social media to announce our Open Call for LGBTQ+ artists living/working in New Mexico. As part of the Queer Magic exhibition, this unjuried open call is intended to build inclusive community through the power of the social media algorithms, as well as Edgar's incredible magical and artistic practice.  

Click here to learn more about this open call and to apply!

The Sacred Web A Gender Neutral Tarot Deck Full Review Unboxing and Flip Through by Edgar Fabián Frías

For those of you who know me, I am a queer & nonbinary tarot reader who loves gender neutral, nonbinary, and gender expansive tarot decks. Being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I am always searching for divination tools that resonate with me and my communities.

The Sacred Web Tarot is a gender-neutral tarot deck by Jannie Bui Brown, James W. Brown IV, and nonbinary artist Liv Brown and is published by HarperOne, a publishing imprint of HarperCollins.

From The Sacred Web Tarot's website: The Sacred Web Tarot deck was co-created out of a traumatic brain injury sustained in 2017 by my son, James, who, at the time, was 25. Out of his pain and throughout his recovery, James drew images that I came to understand were the beginnings of a tarot deck. Our reimagining of cards that typically elicit fear or concern when they appear to a reader into images of beauty convinced me that we needed to complete this tarot creation journey.

We discovered that The Sacred Web Tarot (The SWT) knew at its essential center that the shadow and the struggle are the great teachers; that there is nothing to fear when you perceive the challenging experiences of your life as opportunities to evolve and grow.

To learn more about The Sacred Web Tarot:

To sign up for Edgar Fabián Frías' newsletter click below:

Here are most of Edgar Fabián Frías' links:

To learn more about Edgar Fabián Frías' practices:

A 3 card Tarot Reading for the City of LA EDGAR FABIÁN FRÍAS for Los Angeles Times by Edgar Fabián Frías

Artist, therapist, brujx, and tarot reader Edgar Fabián Frías did a three-card tarot reading for the City of Los Angeles.

The three cards that appeared in the reading were: The World, The Hierophant, and the Ace of Cups.

Please listen to the video below to hear what this means for us in the upcoming future of the city of Angels.

Click below to see the Los Angeles Times article which includes original artwork by the artist Edgar Fabián Frías as well as a transcript of this tarot reading:

L.A. is due for a transformation. This three-card tarot reading will reveal what kind

This story is part of Image issue 12, “Commitment (The Woo Woo Issue),” where we explore why Los Angeles is the land of true believers.

Read the whole issue here:

For more information about Edgar Fabián Frías, please click the link below:

Here is Edgar’s bio:

Edgar Fabián Frías works in installation, photography, video art, sound, sculpture, printed textiles, GIFs, performance, social practice and community organizing, among other forms. Their art addresses historical legacies and acts of resistance, resiliency and radical imagination within the context of Indigenous Futurism, spirituality, play, pedagogy, animism and queer aesthetics.

Born in East Los Angeles in 1983, Frías received dual bachelor of arts degrees in psychology and studio art from UC Riverside. In 2013, they received a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling at Portland State University in Portland, Ore., with an emphasis on interpersonal neurobiology and somatic psychotherapy. Frías received their master of fine arts in art practice from UC Berkeley in 2022. Their work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Vincent Price Art Museum, Institute of Contemporary Art San Francisco, Oregon Contemporary, MOCA Jacksonville, Performance Is Alive, Project Space Festival Juárez and ArtBo. Their work has appeared in Cosmopolitan, Taschen, Bustle, Motherboard by Vice, Slate, CVLT Nation, Terremoto, Hyperallergic, and other publications.

Traducción en Español

Elle artista, terapeuta, brujx y tarotista Edgar Fabián Frías realizó una tirada de tarot de tres cartas para la Ciudad de Los Ángeles.

Las tres cartas que aparecían en la lectura fueron: El Mundo, El Hierofante y El As de Copas.

Escucha el video arriba para saber qué significa esto para nosotros en el futuro próximo de la ciudad de Angeles.

Haga clic a continuación para ver el artículo de Los Angeles Times que incluye obras de arte originales del artista Edgar Fabián Frías, así como una transcripción de esta lectura de tarot:

L.A. está por una transformación. Esta lectura de tarot de tres cartas revelará qué tipo

Esta historia es parte del número 12 de Image, "Commitment (The Woo Woo Issue)", donde exploramos por qué Los Ángeles es la tierra de los verdaderos creyentes.

Lea el número completo aquí:

Para obtener más información sobre Edgar Fabián Frías, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:

Aquí está la biografía de Edgar:

Edgar Fabián Frías trabaja en instalación, fotografía, videoarte, sonido, escultura, textiles impresos, GIFs, performance, práctica social y organización comunitaria, entre otras formas. Su arte aborda legados históricos y actos de resistencia, resiliencia e imaginación radical dentro del contexto del futurismo indígena, la espiritualidad, el juego, la pedagogía, el animismo y la estética queer.

Nacido en el este de Los Ángeles en 1983, Frías recibió una doble licenciatura en psicología y arte de estudio de UC Riverside. En 2013, obtuvieron una maestría en consejería clínica de salud mental en la Universidad Estatal de Portland en Portland, Oregon, con énfasis en neurobiología interpersonal y psicoterapia somática. Frías recibió su maestría en bellas artes en práctica artística de UC Berkeley en 2022. Su trabajo se ha exhibido internacionalmente, incluso en el Museo de Arte Vincent Price, Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo de San Francisco, Oregon Contemporary, MOCA Jacksonville, Performance Is Alive, Project Space Festival Juárez y ArtBo. Su trabajo ha aparecido en Cosmopolitan, Taschen, Bustle, Motherboard by Vice, Slate, CVLT Nation, Terremoto, Hyperallergic y otras publicaciones.

tarot de los ángeles lectura gratis

I'm going to be in the Los Angeles Times Tomorrow! by Edgar Fabián Frías

HUGE news! I was commissioned by @latimes to create a tarot reading for the city of L.A.!

Thrilled by this glorious reading and for the future that awaits everyone in Los Angeles, the city I was born, where I started my career as a professional artist, and one that I LOVE DEEPLY!

This reading is a part of @latimesimage issue 12, “Commitment (The Woo Woo Issue)", which feature some other magical people including Sun RA, @elrafaesparza @maeamaria @nikitagale @anamibia @darian went @sarahjakesroberts @houseofintuition @sikadwimfo & more!

The digital edition of this magazine is LIVE now and will be published in print on Saturday, August 20th!

Check out the Los Angeles Times Image Issue 12 Committment The Woo Woo Issue here:

You can read the tarot reading article I created here: