From left to right: Johanna Hedva, Shinique Smith, Edgar Fabián Frías, Alexandra Grant, Ana Iwataki, Michael Kennedy Costa, Cindy Rehm. Photo by Stephen Reedy
Last night, Los Angeles was the site of an extraordinary event at the Philosophical Research Society: the launch of the Itinéraires Fantômes (Phantom Itineraries) Oracle Deck. The evening was filled with synchronicities, magical connections, and deeply illuminating conversations that left everyone in awe.
During the event, artist Alexandra Grant shared a fascinating detail: one of the first topics she discussed with the legendary writer and philosopher Hélène Cixous was about cats being psychic. This intriguing conversation set the tone for their collaboration on the Itinéraires Fantômes Oracle Deck, making the idea of psychic cats an especially meaningful theme for the night.
The Itinéraires Fantômes Oracle Deck, a visionary creation by Alexandra Grant in collaboration with Hélène Cixous, celebrates Hélène’s profound contributions to culture and consciousness. This deck is an extension of the exhibition Itinéraires Fantômes, curated by Marion Vasseur Raluy and Ana Iwataki, currently on display at the CAPC Musée d'art Contemporain de Bordeaux from June 21, 2024, to January 19, 2025.
The deck consists of 72 beautifully illustrated cards, divided into six categories: animots, creatures, and entities, including Those from Below, Those from Above, Those Who Fly/Steal, Those Who Travel via Portals, Those Who Manipulate Messages and Symbols, and Those with Superpowers. Each card is accompanied by a bilingual booklet in English and French, making the deck accessible to a global audience.
From left to right: Johanna Hedva, Shinique Smith, Edgar Fabián Frías, Alexandra Grant, Ana Iwataki, Michael Kennedy Costa, Cindy Rehm. The artists and curators discussed the collaborative process behind the Itinéraires Fantômes Oracle Deck and exhibition during the Los Angeles launch event at the Philosophical Research Society. Featured artworks on the screen include Jeffrey Gibson’s “Le Gouverment Cosmique” (The Cosmic Government) and Edgar Fabián Frías’ "La Non-Forme" (The Non-Form). Photo by Stephen Reedy.
At the event, I had the honor of sharing about my artwork La Non-Forme and the Formidable Stranger (in French), which is featured in the deck. It was a privilege to discuss my creative process alongside other remarkable artists like Johanna Hedva, Shinique Smith, Alexandra Grant, Ana Iwataki, Michael Kennedy Costa, and Cindy Rehm, who also shared insights into their contributions. You can check out my previous blog entry to learn more about the artwork I made for this deck.
Alexandra Grant and Ana Iwataki discussing the Itinéraires Fantômes Oracle Deck at the Los Angeles launch event at the Philosophical Research Society. The screen behind them displays a selection of the 72 cards from the oracle deck. Photo by Edgar Fabián Frías.
Ana Iwataki, the curator of the exhibition in Bordeaux, was present to speak about the intricate process of creating this twin oracle deck and exhibition with Alexandra. Her insights added depth to the evening, highlighting the collaborative spirit that brought this project to life.
The event concluded with a delightful social hour outside, where guests enjoyed specially crafted mocktails and cocktails inspired by the themes and energy of this amazing oracle deck. It was the perfect ending to a night that celebrated art, mysticism, and community.
Edgar Fabián Frías and Alexandra Grant sharing insights on their artwork featured in the Itinéraires Fantômes Oracle Deck during the Los Angeles launch event at the Philosophical Research Society. They are seated in front of Jeffrey Gibson's “Le Gouverment Cosmique” (The Cosmic Government) and Edgar Fabián Frías’ "La Non-Forme," displayed on the screen behind them. Photo by Edgar Fabián Frías.
This Los Angeles launch event for the Itinéraires Fantômes Oracle Deck was truly a magical experience. If you’re intrigued by Hélène Cixous’ incredible contribution to feminist theory and our overall collective culture, the psychic nature of cats, non-hierarchical co-conspiring, artwork from a wide-breadth of artists, mystical experiences, and the power of art, this deck is a must-have.
And yes, as Alexandra and Hélène discussed, cats are indeed psychic! 🐾