Portal Pandeo, 2022

PORTAL PANDEO: A DIGITAL OASIS, a haven that explores, strategizes, and builds within realms of digital art by artists Lineadeluz, Edgar Fabián Frías, and Hoesy Corona and also serves also as a program offering with the goal of supporting and affirming digital artistic production through a series of communal exchanges which take the form of: production circles, collaborative skill-shares, and discussions.

At the end of the Portal, participants will have contributed to building a support network for digital artists to grow forward forging space in the digital art field.

This exhibition was installed for the first time at Pandeo DF in Mexico City between April 27 - May 2nd, 2022 with support from curators Nelly César, Hellène Aligant, and Pandeo’s Staff.

Sunday’s closing events featured DJ sets from a.d.a.k.e.o and fogoziita_96.

Please use the hashtag #portalpandeo to add yourself to our collective archive and to see how this project develops and unfolds.