A happening inside An Empty Room, an installation by Casey REAS at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, commissioned for the Coded: Art Enters the Computer Age, 1952-1982 exhibition.
Edgar created a spell for the October 4, 2021 Your Magic Podcast episode with Michelle Tea & Peaches Christ.
Edgar created a spell for the August 30, 2021 Your Magic Podcast episode with Michelle Tea & Saeed Jones.
In 2021, Edgar was included in artist Jamil Hellu’s project Hues, where he invites members of the varied queer communities in the San Francisco Bay Area to collaborate with him in developing a form of participatory portraiture about personal histories and cultural lineages.
Public lecture at the Selina Hotel in Downtown Mexico City curated by Stuart Sandford and Hector Eduardo Meza along with Hoesy Corona, Jessica Harvey, Katie Moulton, Arrogante Albino, and Sergio Julio Torres Barrera.
External Websites
State of the Artist - Curated by Atomic Culture in Collaboration with For Freedoms and ESPTV & Tri-City Collective.
Artist in Presidents - Directed by Constance Hockaday produced in partnership with UCLA’s Center for the Art of Performance and Stanford Live Arts-- with support from The Kenneth Rainin Foundation, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and TED. - Curated by Atomic Culture in Collaboration with Eva May Hayhabal.
Friday with the Fellows with the Oklahoma Center for the Humanities, Tulsa, OK.
Meditation Monday with the Vincent Price Art Museum, Los Angeles, CA.
The Commons Season 2 Episode 1: Calcination, Los Angeles, CA.
The Commons Season 2 Episode 4: Conjunction, Los Angeles, CA.
Edgar offered a 3 card collective tarot reading at The Hammer Museum as part of the Museum of Trans Hirstory and Art (MOTHA)’s book release for Trans History in 99 Objects.
BEI Thinky Feely Tank #2: The Many Worldings of BEI at the Feminist Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles, CA.
Portals & Pláticas: The Art of Curanderismo in the New Earth with Madre Jaguar and Reina Prado at the Philosophical Research Society.
Mz Neon - "So Far" (Official Video), 2023.
Crash Kiss at El Cid (14) by Rollin Leonard with Edgar Fabián Frías and Sarah Zucker, created during an NFTuesdayLA event.
Crash Kiss at El Cid (29) by Rollin Leonard with Edgar Fabián Frías, Sarah Zucker, Bronwyn Lundberg, and Thaddeus Pedisich, created during an NFTuesdayLA event.
Crash Kiss at El Cid (13) by Rollin Leonard with Edgar Fabián Frías and Thaddeus Pedisich, created during an NFTuesdayLA event.
Edgar Fabián Frías was a performer in Raven Chacon’s American Ledger 2 in Tulsa, Oklahoma on December 6, 2019.
Berkeley Center for New Media Presents: Colonial Practices and Cultural Repression by the Municipality against the Community Museum of the Valle de Xico with artist Maria Thereza Alves.
VisionVision is a collaborative performance and video art project by artists Sarah Zucker and Edgar Fabián Frías Dir. by Sarah Zucker.
VisionVision is a collaborative performance and video art project by artists Sarah Zucker and Edgar Fabián Frías Dir. by Sarah Zucker.
VisionVision is a collaborative performance and video art project by artists Sarah Zucker and Edgar Fabián Frías Dir. by Sarah Zucker. Originally a part of Dirty Looks Los Angeles and curated by Eva Aguila.
A film written, shot, directed and edited by Jennifer Prediger. Starring Edgar Fabian Frias as NOW.
The Bedrooms - We Are Unknown (2021)
I was fortunate enough to be asked by LaFemmebear to be in her music video “Shut Up!” With art direction by Christy Roberts Berkowitz, production by Tammy Sanchez, and photography by Mary Ma.
Paul Clay- Power Child
Art, Life, and Data in the Metaverse as a part of Critical Data Futures at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive Co-sponsored and presented by Human Technology Futures Group and the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society at UC Berkeley. Featuring Emma Fraser, Don Hanson, Wade Wallerstein, Richmond Wong, and Edgar Fabián Frías.
Opening Coven with Edgar Fabián Frías, Lineadeluz, and Madre Jaguar at the KABK Studium Generale 2021/2022 Royal Academy of Art den Haag.
Opening Coven with melanie bonajo, Bianca Casady, Bunny Michael, and Edgar Fabián Frías at the KABK Studium Generale 2020/21 Royal Academy of Art den Haag.
Winter Solstice 2021 Offering created in collaboration with Joshua Hill.
Rainbow Visions Prismatic Beings Event at ESMoA.
Giving Gay Rugby Star Devin Ibañez His First Tarot Reading!
The Transformative Power of Art & Witchcraft w/ Esther Harrison of Coeur Et Art.
Forging a space to breathe underwater: A Healing Discussion Around QAnon Impacted Relationships with Nichole Palomba.
Artist talk with Linda Montano, Ann McCoy, Darrin Martin & Edgar Fabián Frías moderated by Monet Clark & Presented by Pro Arts, Oakland for INVOCATION DEMOCRACY.
I spoke with Asher Hartman for his new series on love.
Surviving Creatively Through a Pandemic as a Working Artist Panel hosted by Exploring the Arts in Astoria, New York and Pasadena, CA.
I was a part of the LADOT Telethon A Virtual Fundraiser for Artists Impacted by COVID-19 organized by Renée Reizman.
Conversation with witch, author, artist, columnist, and overall ANGEL Gabriela Herstik!
Invocation of the Transcestral Portal with Ylva Mara Radziszewski of the School of Traditional Magic.
Invoking the Trancestors with Jonah Welch.
Conversation with artist & with Angela Mary Magick.
VisionVision is a collaborative performance and video art project by artists Sarah Zucker and Edgar Fabián Frías Dir. by Sarah Zucker. Originally a part of Dirty Looks Los Angeles and curated by Eva Aguila.
WTF with NFTs: Two queer Latinx artists spill some tea about cryptoart
Co-created spellwork with artist and witch Erin Aquarian.
Call me by my true names (2017) 3 channel video directed by Weng San Sit that explores meditation across different cultures and belief systems, investigating the fluid space of care, healing, resilience and resistance. It features practitioners who are involved in social justice and healing work both on the cushion, and beyond; Rev. angel Kyodo williams ,Harry C Williams, Mushim Patricia Ikeda , Curtis Robertson Jr , Naazneen Diwan, Edgar Fabián Frías, Katie Loncke, Dovid Meshchaninov, Bong Lau ,Anne Finger, Azeem M. Khan, Melvin Escobar, Dennis Somera, The Buddhist Peace Fellowship contingent and the participants of the Visibility Movement in East Bay Meditation Center.
Collaboration with the Living Altar.
Video made for The Golden Dome School.
Mindful Moments with Edgar Fabián Frías at the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
This community spell took place on April 4, 2020 with Bruja Amalia Estefhany (La Santa Puta).
Waxing Crescent Moon Creative Spellcasting Ceremony Sunday, April 26, 2020.
Artist Yunuen Rhi’s Huarache Constellations Collective Healing Experiment took place on Sunday November 26, 2017 at PAM Residencies in Highland Park CA.