“I Am On My Healing Journey”, 2024

"I Am On My Healing Journey" is a vibrant multimedia artwork by Edgar Fabián Frías that celebrates and critiques the healing industrial complex. Featuring photos from Frías' life, generative images, and painterly gestures, the piece explores diverse healing practices, from traditional methods to commercialized trends. The central motif of a meditative cat amidst a riot of colors and symbols signifies the universal quest for well-being and its ever-changing nature.

As an artist and licensed therapist who practices indigenous and pagan rituals, Frías approaches this work from a personal and professional intersection. Deeply inspired by how people seek and find healing, Frías has profoundly healed through their own journey.

This visual narrative highlights the contradictions within the healing industry, acknowledging the genuine desire for health alongside the commodification and appropriation present in the wellness market. By juxtaposing sacred objects with commercial products and fantastical elements, the artwork underscores the tension between authentic healing practices and consumer culture. It includes elements that defy categorization, representing future and interdimensional forms of healing that invite imagination and embrace the unknown.

Through a chaotic yet harmonious collage of ancient symbols and contemporary artifacts, Frías aims to provoke contemplation and critical reflection, encouraging viewers to consider their own healing journeys and the societal forces influencing them.

Single Edition by Edgar Fabián Frías / @edgarfabianfrias | 1080 x 1920 | .jpg | 2024

This artwork was exhibited in Belgium as a part of ArtCrush Gallery’s Art On Tezos exhibition during EthCC in both their gallery space as well on billboards and large scale projections in both Ghent and Brussels.

Documentation courtesy of ArtCrush Gallery.