Documentation by Christopher A. Velasco

Documentation by Christopher A. Velasco

 El Fuego Aclara, 2020

Mixed Media spell featuring a digital print and looping video. Exploring and conjuring the potential of fire as a sacred element to clarify, clear, and illuminate. Originally a part of the exhibition El Espejo de la Bruja at Flatline Gallery in Long Beach, CA.

El Fuego Aclara, 2020

“El Espejo de la Bruja” (“The Witch’s Mirror) unites Latinx artists in shared magical practices. Drawing inspiration from the 1962 Mexican horror film, the exhibit blends magical realism, family history, and personal identity. Each artist reflects the world of magic into physical objects that include weaving, collage, paper-making, and painting. With references to both black and white magic, “El espejo de la bruja” conjures the ability for art to be experimental and transformative.

Curated by Scream Queen